This web site is dedicated to Heinrich August Leifeste, his wife Sophie Elisabeth Henriette Viedt Leifeste, and their descendants and other relatives. We hope you find it interesting and educational.
- Historical Sketch of Mr. and Mrs. August Leifeste, Sr.
- Descendants of Mr. and Mrs. August Leifeste, Sr.
- Descendants of Samuel Daniel Leifeste
This is a picture of the 1804 house in Broistedt, Grossherzogtum, Braunschweig, Germany, where August Leifeste was born, and an article from the Mason County News, Mason, Texas, regarding the first reunion of the descendants of August Leifeste and his siblings, July 4, 1965, at the Mason County fairgrounds. Click here for another picture of the house.
Editorial control by Pastor Jo Ann Leifeste, Retired, 1999, Ordained Deacon (1997), Southwest Texas Conference, The United Methodist Church, wife of Donald K. Leifeste
For further information, please contact Jo Ann or one of the following:
- Carol Fowler (daughter of Jo Ann) (
- Lewis Leifeste (
- Ray Bowyer (